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the asylum
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Beginner Angel
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When life gives you lemons, ask for margarita mix as well
Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:17 am Profile PM WWW
Beginner Angel
Posts: 8

Post annual christmas picture Quote
i also did a picture based losely on versoica from hellava boss

When life gives you lemons, ask for margarita mix as well
Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:26 am Profile PM WWW
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21872

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What is the Latin phrase on the gift wrapping paper in the first image? I can only make out a few words of it at a time.

You've returned for another one of your classic pin-up girl and car images. I like the effect - though I wonder what the tire company would make of the product placement.

Thanks for sharing more of your work with us.

Wed Dec 15, 2021 7:05 am Profile PM
Beginner Angel
Posts: 8

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Pinup is my go to, and she is a lust demon so yeah lol
i don't know the phrase the coder used on the presents, but i appreciate the critiques ty

When life gives you lemons, ask for margarita mix as well
Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:15 am Profile PM WWW
Beginner Angel
Posts: 8

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Ok i need some advice i have a photo idea that can go 2 ways a bowl full of water should i put semiprecious stones in it and shoot or coins because i can do both quite easily

When life gives you lemons, ask for margarita mix as well
Tue Dec 21, 2021 5:36 am Profile PM WWW
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21872

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Coins can give you a wishing well or fountain theme with the right framing (surroundings beyond the bowl itself).

Semiprecious stones are dropped into pools of water in lecanomancy - a form of hydromancy - so if you get the ripples and refracted light you can have a "reflections on the future" theme. Obviously, the technique could be a problem if your camera isn't fast enough.

No so much advice on which to choose, as ideas to consider for each.

Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:43 am Profile PM
Beginner Angel
Posts: 8

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Appreciate it
neither idea worked under current conditions, i will however post the picture elsewhere and give u the link i am happy with the results

When life gives you lemons, ask for margarita mix as well
Wed Dec 22, 2021 7:33 am Profile PM WWW
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21872

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The finished image is interesting. A nice balance of colors, though I'm not clear on what the theme is supposed to be.

Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:05 am Profile PM
Beginner Angel
Posts: 8

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Well, originally there was no theme planned for them, but it's basically named for something my mom used to say
controlled chaos became the theme.
i decided on the stones because my family history is both north pagan and Native American historically as my family went to England in 1066 during the Norman invasion led by Richard the lionhearted, so the stones are the join point between both.
When not in use they sit in a bowl of natural sea salt as it's a symbol of purity

When life gives you lemons, ask for margarita mix as well
Thu Dec 23, 2021 7:49 am Profile PM WWW
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21872

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That's quite the family history. Not many can actually trace their family heritage back nearly a thousand years!

Thu Dec 23, 2021 8:03 am Profile PM
Beginner Angel
Posts: 8

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My last name made it pretty easy"sears" as prior to 1066 nobody had the same last name in its current or original form, plus the Europeans are great at record keeping.
The Native American side is a bit different as the history isn't written down it's oral and since my family isn't officially part of a tribe"Choctaw" I'm cut off from it except for an occasional discussion in a Facebook group or 2

When life gives you lemons, ask for margarita mix as well
Fri Dec 24, 2021 7:19 am Profile PM WWW
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21872

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If you can count on your name, that's something. People adopt names, get adopted, and I think a study decades ago suggested that at least a fifth, probably more, children have fathers who aren't married to their mothers.

A brand new study of genetics seems to prove that most of the Celts showed up en masse in Britain about 3000 years ago. They immediately interbred with and then overtook most of the earlier inhabitants of the British Isles. Their point of origin was, unexpectedly, France. Most previous theories pointed to an origin farther east. That seems to have been at an earlier period in history.

We're often more cultural inheritance than genetic. That doesn't mean that the genes don't matter, but what we learn when we grow up makes the biggest imprint on who and what we are. Our individual and shared experiences define much of our outlook. I'm not arguing for a complete dominance of nurture over nature, but environment plays a major role - even if we didn't experience that environment directly. Epigenetics is a science of how genes get switched on and off, and the experiences of our specific forebears affect our epigenetics as do our own life experiences. Even if you cloned someone, rearing them in a different place, exposing them to different things, would produce someone who might be similar but would still be distinct.

How we identify ourselves can be complicated. You're not the first person I've known who has Native ancestry yet doesn't have much of a chance to connect to it. What's worse is when the tribes refuse to recognize people who are descended from Native stock but haven't had the opportunity to participate in the tribal culture. They may control who has "official" membership. That doesn't give them the right to declare that someone who wasn't born inside their clique isn't a "real Native". It's like Poland trying to tell Polish Americans that they aren't remotely Polish. A person can very easily be of more than one community.

Though we can't always express that membership openly. Not a lot of "out" lolicons around. It's hard enough being a furry.

If you celebrate the time of year, Happy Holidays. There's the New Year, at least. Hope it's better than the last.

Fri Dec 24, 2021 8:01 am Profile PM
Beginner Angel
Posts: 8

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i actually can since sir names in England tended to be connected to job sears means sea warrior but prior to the invasion of 1066 my family used the surname segar which is Norse in origin.
After the Norman invasion it was anglicized to sears, my line came over what's called the Bahama route, which means we were early colonists.
But before then we actually moved from England to Scotland and Ireland before crossing, its interesting.
At any rate, merry Christmas, joyous yule to y'all

When life gives you lemons, ask for margarita mix as well
Sat Dec 25, 2021 8:31 am Profile PM WWW
Beginner Angel
Posts: 8

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Well Tennessee decided to gift me another college course so this time i went with Google IT support because unlike photography once i get my certificate i can immediately market the skills

When life gives you lemons, ask for margarita mix as well
Mon Dec 27, 2021 9:30 am Profile PM WWW
Beginner Angel
Posts: 8

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Well i decided just to relax this weekend and not bother with my classes till Monday night, I'm so far ahead it's unreal.
That being said happy new year y'all

When life gives you lemons, ask for margarita mix as well
Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:31 am Profile PM WWW
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