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The name is Nikki and as a female, I truly relate to being a loli. As a result, I view rorikom, lolicon images, anime from a completely different perspective than most do. In most every case, I translate the center of attention angel in the anime or image as being myself. I suppose it could be argued that I live in a world of delusion, and if that is indeed the case, well, so what? I certainly appreciate the effort that artists and creators put into their art, and am especially appreciative when they allow me to enjoy their creations. I was an expat in Japan for a number of years and it was there that I got hooked on doujinshi, Lolita fashion (all sub-styles) as well as cosplay (Hint: Lolita fashion and cosplay are independent of each other). In Japan, feminine cuteness rules! Hence my obsession (addiction) to it! I don't pretend to be an expert at anything Japanese. Quite the opposite actually. Living there was a bit overwhelming due to massive culture shock, but I loved it, none-the-less. I really enjoy Japanese anime. It has influenced me in countless ways, but mainly, I think of my own life and what happens in it as me being the star in my own anime. But I'd really, really, really rather be the loli in my own lolicon :-) Well that's all for now. I hope my first post isn't over the top. That's not my intent.

Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:11 am Profile PM
Crystal Angel
Posts: 454

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Welcome Nikki. Smile

Very nice text...and don't worry about possible delusions. Everyone has some fantasies and puts himself in other perspectives. In my case it's roleplaying and writing stories that are almost always written from a first person view.

Enjoy your time here.

Wed Dec 08, 2021 10:40 am Profile PM
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21886

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Welcome to your LAH flowering, nikkigirl! Sharing such an intimate perspective on your life and our mutual interest is illuminating and thought provoking. I've read similar accounts by others here - not all of them biologically female. There is something of a transference of desire into lolis as well as out of them that keeps them in focus.

So what types of cosplays interested you if they weren't lolita? Anime has so many stories and characters that people love!

What specific types of loli material do you identify with the most or maybe find the most stimulating? Like Sypder, I find RP and well-written stories most engaging, but I love the inspirations of well-crafted loli art, too.

Since your account is a long established one, I'll assume that you know your way around LAH, so I'll just commend you to have fun and find delight in all things loli!

Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:39 am Profile PM
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Welcome Nikki. :)

Very nice text...and don't worry about possible delusions. Everyone has some fantasies and puts himself in other perspectives. In my case it's roleplaying and writing stories that are almost always written from a first person view.

Enjoy your time here.

Well thanks sypder, ya cute dyslexic arthropod :-) Actually, spiders have 8 legs, so perhaps you are a gladiator and lost a pair of them in battle? I totally get the role playing metric in the context of writing stories. Some authors can take that to whatever extreme they deem necessary to achieve the desired result. Indeed, a story is a script of sorts isn't it? If any of your stories are online, perhaps you could be kind enough to provide links on how to get to them (assuming doing so is within LAH rules)? I love good FPV stories!

Thanks for the nice response.

Welcome to your LAH flowering, nikkigirl! Sharing such an intimate perspective on your life and our mutual interest is illuminating and thought provoking. I've read similar accounts by others here - not all of them biologically female. There is something of a transference of desire into lolis as well as out of them that keeps them in focus.

So what types of cosplays interested you if they weren't lolita? Anime has so many stories and characters that people love!

What specific types of loli material do you identify with the most or maybe find the most stimulating? Like Sypder, I find RP and well-written stories most engaging, but I love the inspirations of well-crafted loli art, too.

Since your account is a long established one, I'll assume that you know your way around LAH, so I'll just commend you to have fun and find delight in all things loli!

Thanks for the flowers mesawalk2. Please accept in advance my apology for the length of my reply.

In answering your question about my cosplay interests, I had to put a bit of thought and effort into coming up with an answer that wouldn't be nauseatingly too long to read. TL;DR - Not good. That said, it's the effort that counts right? I can best describe my cosplay endeavors as hardcore. What I mean by that is the approach is as if it were for a theatrical production. Thoroughly understanding the character is critical. Once the cosplay process is started, I engage in method acting from beginning to end and will endeavor to not break character until it's over. I make every attempt where practical to create my own costumes and props. This really adds color to the experience IMHO.

The entire process is time consuming, requires a huge amount of dedication, planning and outright energy to successfully pull off. Generally speaking, there will be a collaboration with other cosplayers (both male and female) who aspire to cosplay as the other supporting characters in a given anime title. Thus, it's a group coordinated effort; a troupe of sorts; a company or group of amateur actors, dancers, make-up artists, etc, etc. A cosplay club.

In the end everyone has fun. As you have probably guessed by now, I come from a background of amateur theater with roots going back to my grammar school, high school and college years. From the scripting to the acting, costumes, props and production; it's all intoxicating. This is all about opening a channel in which one can challenge themselves to new heights, and in many cases, for a short while, become the character they are cosplaying.

What are the anime characters I like to portray? That's a hard one to answer. All of them! Realistically it ranges from Yoko Littner in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, due to the simplicity of the costume and props, to Chi the protagonist in Chobits, due to the detail complexity of Chi's costumes. Depends upon the feminine cuteness and sexy factor.

Who is my most fun and successful character? I'd say cosplaying as Panty or Stocking from the Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt series. This is mostly because as the character Panty I can usually manage to carry a tune long enough to sing a really rockin' cover of the song D City Rock from the episode HELP! We are Angels soundtrack. My best friend Chrissy who usually cosplays as Stocking happens to be a pretty good bassist, so arguably, depending on how many beers were ingested by everyone, this comes across as being quite a hit. Lots of fun for everyone! Anarchy!

I want to point out that our little troupe was just a bunch of amateurs who were just unwinding, letting it all hang out and having fun in the process. But we did take it seriously. With the worldwide pandemic approaching its second year, we are now pretty much defunct. Sad. But I'm afraid that things will never be the same again. C'est la vie, oui?

Last but not least (and to hopefully get back on topic) lolicon. I love a beautifully written story that is accompanied by beautiful lolicon artwork. Which ones in particular? Most but not all. A loli schoolgirl being spanked for being a bad, bad girl is stratosphere material for me to be sure. OTOH, anything depicting hateful violence, dehumanizing, overtly humiliating behavior is a big turn-off. No beauty or cuteness to be found in that.

Thanks for the reply.

Fri Dec 10, 2021 4:29 am Profile PM
Crystal Angel
Posts: 454

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Before I start; a big compliment at first for your answer to mesawalk. It's really fun to read your texts...

Well thanks sypder, ya cute dyslexic arthropod Smile

lol, that's a funny story. When I registered here, I didn't even realize that I was mistaken in spelling. I noticed it when I wanted to log in again as spyder and the system tells me my username or password wasn’t correct. Even the Forgot Your Password function didn’t work for me becaue the mails never arrived...until I noticed that I am here as sypder. But the funniest thing is that there is actually a user registered named spyder, whose password I have probably screwed a few times and who has received several mails with a new passwords...oopsi. Feather Kawaii 3

If any of your stories are online, perhaps you could be kind enough to provide links on how to get to them (assuming doing so is within LAH rules)? I love good FPV stories!

Sure, just take a look at the Stories and Roleplaying section. There you'll find a few works from me. I recommend Julia but with 20 chapters so far, you'll need a bit of time. There is also another story started, which currently consists of only two chapters but is not here yet.

Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:14 am Profile PM
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21886

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I'm very impressed by your attention to character and detail, nikkigirl. I've met other serious cosplayers, and know some who are into it as an ongoing challenge. It is very sad that few have a chance to express themselves in the current pandemic climate.

Long, detailed replies are very familiar to me. I post more than a few of those myself.

I find beautifully rendered works of lolicon to be among the finest. The artist Alphonse (White Datura) is a favorite, but Alkemanubis has produced many irresistibly adorable lolis. There are many others. Crudely executed or exaggerated art holds no interest for me. Detailed, evocative art is among the best. The same is true for written works. Creations that have a genuine artistic component can carry far more of a charge.

Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:27 am Profile PM
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