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Hello to everyone! First of all, I'm pretty late to introduce myself and I'm sorry about that, but when I found the "Little Angels Hentai" ( site about 1 year ago, I was very excited because I am a loli lover and no site I have ever seen on the internet has as many links and// or no loli content. Also, every minute I spent here was so much fun. We've been going through tough times lately and that's why I'm thinking more and that made me realize something. Yes, I completely forgot about introducing myself. I won't deny that it's my fault too, but this site is also to blame, because I had such a fun time that I didn't even think of introducing myself. Yes,'s fault is to be a very, very fun and beautiful community. I guess that's enough babbling.

My name is Sarius. I got my name from the computer game character of the main character in a book called Erebos. As for my favorite fantasy, loli rape I love both. However, in most anime, loli and rape categories do not exist together, unfortunately. Also, I don't like things like manga or cg or giff that only occur in visuals, I believe that the real pleasure can be obtained by dancing the visuals accompanied by sounds. For this reason, what I was looking for on this site was either games or animes (or videos in the form of sections from anime). I didn't always find what I was looking for but I was always able to have fun because I know that this site and this community will keep on posting new things and when old things start to disappear, this beautiful community will continue to renew as long as it's in their hands. Anyway, I think I lost it again and talked too much. yes, he has a very bad habit and people around me always complain about me and say that I talk too much. I'm sorry for this. Well, let's get to the details. I love lolis but I'm not toddlercon. I believe I have not yet reached that stage of corruption. Finally, the last thing I want to talk about about myself is what I really dream about in my life. In real life, I always dream of having a real sex with a real loli and having a real love of loli. However, the world we live in is not suitable for this and this will remain only a dream. The moments I feel closest to this dream will be when I watch loli Hentai.

There is one last thing I want to say. I've been having a very difficult and busy day lately and I need some distraction. For this reason, I had a request from you dear administrators, can you make me an "Extra files member"

As far as I have seen and understood in the forum, a self-introduction text is required to be an "Extra files member" and there is no need for anything else, please forgive me if I misunderstood, because English is not my native language and my English is quite weak, so I often use google translate and this entire article. I wrote it via google translate. Question

Sun Sep 12, 2021 8:55 pm Profile PM
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21856

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Welcome to your LAH coming out, Sariushentai! It's a wonderful thing for you to find places devoted to what you love. Here at LAH, that means all things loli! I know that I spend a lot more time here than maybe I should. It's my escape from everything going on "out there", too. I think that many of us wish that the loli worlds could be our "real" world instead of what passes for RL, so you're in extensive, loli-loving company! (Of course, it would have to be the right kind of loli world - for each of us!)

The unity of image and sound can enrich the experience. There aren't nearly enough deep loli animes out there. Well, we have anime with lolis, but those are usually the "tame" kind compared to what we have here - or in the games and visual novels that so many here prefer. I view loli art as art, be it visual (images), manga, anime, or well-written stories. We all have those things that bring us the greatest excitement and the greatest pleasure.

Don't think that you talk to much! LAH could use more people who speak up and join the conversations! That's part of what keeps it dynamic and alive.

If Google translated everything you wrote then it is much better than I thought. The English is clear and easier to understand that some things written by native English speakers!

See you around the board, Sariushentai - and always have fun!

Mon Sep 13, 2021 8:25 am Profile PM
Warnings: Warning
Posts: 0

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Thanks for everything and i'm Glad to join the company. first post completely wrotten via google translate but this time i try to using my own knowledge of eng. I regret to point out that I won't be online much in the future because I'm studying at university and I have to work. so thanks for everything.

Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:14 pm Profile PM
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