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[Unofficial] LAH Picture Browser

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[Unofficial] LAH Picture Browser
Will you use this app?
I will definetely use this in the future regularly
 84%  [ 11 ]
I might check it out sometimes, but won't use it actively
 7%  [ 1 ]
I won't use it because the website is good enough
 0%  [ 0 ]
I won't use it because I literally can't (no needed hardware, etc)
 0%  [ 0 ]
The risk of malware is too high, and I've read the corresponding section
 7%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 13
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Post [Unofficial] LAH Picture Browser Quote
There is some really good content hidden on LAH.
However this is a really old school forum, so unless you are searching for something specific you can just scroll a bit through the forums and hope that you'll find something good.

In the last 10 days I changed this and developed a windows app, in which you can easily browse the pictures of your favourite threads and don't always have to annoyingly click on each interesting picture.

Features (see attached images for some screenshots):
  • Display Pictures in a grid in the main window
    • The number of columns can be set by the slider
  • Open a picture in a big window by pressing on it with the middle mouse button (mouse wheel)
    • When you focus a big window you can:
    • Make it fullscreen by pressing F11
    • Save the picture to your hard drive by pressing ctrl+s
  • Sort Pictures By
    • Most Views
    • Newest
    • Trending
    • Page Average Views
  • Create a watch list with as many threads as you like
    • A watch list is a list of forum threads
    • All pictures of the watch list are sorted and then displayed
  • Save your watchlist to load it later
  • New in v1.3: autoscrolling, when pressing the mouse wheel on an empty spot

  • Download the program
  • Open LahP.exe
  • Log in with your LAH login details
  • Watch at the bottom of the window, to see when it finishes loading all the forums
  • Search for your favourite threads (watch at the bottom ot the window: threads only get displayed in the dropdown menu if there are less than 2000 results)
    • Enter any keyword you want to search
    • OR Use enter a query with the format FORUM/THREAD to search for specific forums or threads.
      • FORUM or THREAD can be empty; some examples:
      • /behind :searches for threads with a title containing behind
      • little angels/ :searches for all forums with a title containing little and angels
      • li/beh :searches for all threads containing beh in the title and are in a forum containing li
    • OR write "/r " (without quotation marks) and then a regular expression to filter threads (also in the format above)
  • Select your thread in the dropdown menu and click the Add To List button
  • The thread gets added to the watch list
  • If this thread is added to the watch list for the first time it will query the info for the pictures; this may take a while but is only required once for every thread
  • Look at the bottom of the window to see if its loading (the text does not work properly if you add multiple threads after each other or search in the mean time, but the program still works; just wait a bit)
  • All threads in the watchlist get always displayed in the main window
  • So just repeat the steps above to add another thread
  • See the feature list for additional things you can do

64-bit version: hXXps://

Change Log:
- Slightly improved stability.
- Fixed: The list wouldn't show up when switching settings too fast.
- Removed loading optimization; with the optimization it wouldn't update the view count of the pictures.
- You can now autoscroll, when pressing the mouse wheel on an empty spot
- Changed some technical stuff
- Cache no longer gets automatically deleted. To use the old behaviour use the "--delete-cache" command line argument
- Implemented Captcha
- The cached metadata of the threads will be used to show temporary results, until the new data is fetched
- Loading bar
- Captcha auto fill in
- Now able to randomize the images as sorting option (re-randomize by pressing ctrl+r)
- Use context menu on pictures to copy the url of the picture or forum page (also available via shortcuts when BigPicture is open (ctrl+c or ctrl+u))
- Use context menu to ignore pictures, which you don't want to see anymore
- Fixed three different bugs, which caused images to not load or load with the wrong aspect ratio
- Improved performance, when loading pictures from disk and when reloading the images

I STRONGLY recommend using the 64-bit version if you can, as the other one simply crashes if it needs more than 3 GB of ram, which might occur at some memory spikes.

System requirements:
  • Windows: preferably 64-bit with the 64-bit version linked above, but should also work with 32-bit
  • Ram
    • Heavily depends on your usecase
    • When just watching still pictures and always have 10 pictures displayed you'll only need up to 2GB
    • When watching lots of gifs I'd recommend at least 4-6GB
  • A somewhat capable CPU

You don't trust me and don't want to execute an executable from a random stranger?
Well, you really shouldn't, because this is the 101 of how to get malware.
Also as there is no official API, so the only way to get access to the pictures is via an account.
This basically means that the program has full access to everything on your account.
Because of this I recommend you do the following two steps:
  • Use a virtual machine to run the program. You should do this anyway with random executables you find on this site.
    Just give the VM enough resources, because it may be very laggy and crash a sometimes (trust me I've tried). So if you want to risk it: it will be much more enjoyable if you execute it on dedicated hardware.
  • Create an alternate LAH account which you can then use for the program. Then you don't risk that the program does something shady to your account.

I've also published the source code if you want to compile it yourself, want to check it for malware or are simply curious:

Short instructions how to compile it:
- Download Visual Studio 2019 (or another IDE which supports .NET Framework 4.7.2)
- Download Source Code
- Open .sln file
- Press "Start" in Visual Studio
- The entry point of the app is a bit hidden in WPF\Windows\MainWindow.xaml.cs

Known Issues:

The application crashed!
It can sometimes (especially on slow hardware and VMs) happen that the application crashes.
I know approximately what the issue is, but I don't currently know how to fix it, as the source isn't my own code, but the library to show the gifs.
If there are some people using this app in the future I might fix this and post an update.

The application froze!
The loading of the pictues and gifs takes some time. Sometimes you'll need to wait a few seconds for it, but I never had the issue of it completely freezing. Before that will happen it will probably crash.

The application is responding (I can press buttons and the dropdown), but nothing is happening!
First look at the bottom of the window for the status bar. If it says there that it is loading, you'll just have to wait for a bit. Querying for picures in a thread might take some time depending on the size of the thread.
If it says it's finished or nothing at all try to scroll a bit, change the value of the slider or change the sorting criteria.

Also please answer the poll if you can. Depending on it I will further develop this application.
Feedback in the comments is also appreciated.

This thread will probably disappear in the abyss of LAH, but to all people reading this:
I wish you nice browsing!

Last edited by d364nd4lf on Fri Dec 09, 2022 6:58 pm; edited 18 times in total
Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:49 am Profile PM
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21886

Post Quote
A commendable endeavor, d364nd4lf! I'm not one of the LAH coders, however, so I'm not qualified to vet your app proposal. I recommend that you contact Sat directly through a PM to get his attention. He can then forward it to the other coders involved with LAH for their review.

If it gets approved, it could potentially get people more active at LAH. Other than the obvious malware concern you thoughtfully mentioned, the main potential problem could be what it does to the LAH bandwidth. I don't know what kind of strain it might place on the system. That's part of why Sat and the coders really need to review it.

It's still a great contribution, if it works!

Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:37 am Profile PM
LAH Artist
Posts: 0

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Clearly a public model would need some tighter (well, existent at all) security checks, but did this ever get any kind of traction / further development?

Tue Aug 03, 2021 4:35 am Profile PM
Star Angel
Posts: 7539

Post Quote
I still didn't have time to review it yet. Hoping to get to it in the upcoming week.
It seems it might put some stress on the server the way it's currently written, as it's downloading basically the whole site every time you launch it.


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Thu Aug 05, 2021 8:45 pm Profile PM WWW Skype
Posts: 0

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I still haven't heared back from Sat, so I won't publish the compiled version, yet.
However, I'm sometimes still updating the app and I've just released v1.2.

Edit: Now version 1.6 is released!

Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:00 pm Profile PM
Newborn Angel
Posts: 1

Post Quote
this is amazing! such a good idea! This helps with viewing the photos! this should be implemented into the website itself, I would spend so much time viewing photos!

Little Angel 1
Wed Jan 04, 2023 5:33 pm Profile PM
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