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I remember browsing this website more than a decade ago, but I had completely forgotten about its existence. I'm very happy to see it's still around after so long, despite the increasing moral panic and associated legal restrictions. I've had a rather hard time finding English-speaking loli-oriented (or even loli-accepting) communities.

Just a bit about me: I'm 27, male, from Canada. I passionately enjoy all kinds of artful hentai, but I love lolicon above all. I'm also especially fond of rape fantasies and BDSM. I'm a BDSM practitioner (Dom) in real life, and love to use hentai as inspiration for kinky sex: e.g. lolicon for age play, rapey hentai for rape play & consensual non-consent, etc. I recently started a BDSM-oriented porn blog (see my profile), but I can't post loli on that platform. Sad

My favourite loli artists include Higashiyama Show, Sekiya Asami, Rustle, as109, Hikari Hayashibara, Yoshiharu Makita (specifically his manga “Radical Temptation”... his more recent stuff hasn’t been as good), and many more. Pretty much all my other favourite hentai artists do draw at least some loli, such as Naruko Hanaharu, branch (blackrabbits), or hjl.

“All forms of imagination, regardless of how repugnant some may find them, are legal up to and until they present a real danger to self or others. The evidence suggests that those producing and consuming lolicon images pose no such danger. They have a nuanced understanding of the relationship between fiction and reality, and desire shōjo characters precisely because they are unreal.” ~ Patrick W. Galbraith, University of Tokyo
Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:46 pm Profile PM WWW
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21849

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Allow me to formally welcome you to LAH, Soulwaves! We've chatted elsewhere, so I know you've already oriented yourself to the site.

BDSM is popular with some of the users here. For most, I think, it's pure fantasy, but there are some other practitioners around. It's up to them to speak up or PM. I approach it from more of a contemplative or artistic angle. The psychology behind it is more interesting than anything else.

We have much, much more to offer - and I know that you'll find your way around it while you're here.

Above all, have fun!

Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:15 am Profile PM
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Thank you. Smile

I've already met one fellow BDSM practitioner.

The psychology behind it is more interesting than anything else.

It is fascinating indeed. I love this quote (so much that it's the pinned post on my blog):

Alain de Botton:
“The games of submission and domination, the rule-breaking scenarios, the fetishistic interest in particular words or parts of the body: all offer opportunities to investigate wishes that are far from being simply peculiar, pointless or slightly demented. They offer brief utopian interludes in which we can, with a rare and real friend, safely cast off our normal defences and share and satisfy our longings for extreme closeness and mutual acceptance – which is the real, psychologically rooted reason why games are, in the end, so exciting.”

“All forms of imagination, regardless of how repugnant some may find them, are legal up to and until they present a real danger to self or others. The evidence suggests that those producing and consuming lolicon images pose no such danger. They have a nuanced understanding of the relationship between fiction and reality, and desire shōjo characters precisely because they are unreal.” ~ Patrick W. Galbraith, University of Tokyo
Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:56 pm Profile PM WWW
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21849

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For another take on BDSM, consider the works of William Moulton Marston - aka the creator of Wonder Woman. There was a very good movie a few years ago about him and his two lady loves. He had some rather developed ideas on the subject.

Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:10 am Profile PM
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I remember reading his Wikipedia page in the past. I just read it again... and I must admit that I disagree with most of what I see there about BDSM.

For starters, while I fully agree that sexual submission in a loving context is "noble", I strongly disagree that anyone should become "more readily accepting of loving submission to loving authorities", even less that sexual submission (or sexual Dominance, for that matter) should have any political implications such as those Marston suggests. My last submissive partner would strongly agree.

William Moulton Marston:
"Only when the control of self by others is more pleasant than the unbound assertion of self in human relationships can we hope for a stable, peaceful human society... Giving to others, being controlled by them, submitting to other people cannot possibly be enjoyable without a strong erotic element."

I don't agree with any part of the above. I'm rather in favour of the "unbound assertion of self" when it comes to human relationships – well, not exactly "unbound", but ideally "bound" by mutually beneficial rules rather than power dynamics. A major flaw in Marton's reasoning is that for people to submit, you need others who dominate; for people to be controlled, you need others who control. History has shown time and time again that when it comes to politics & society, those who dominate and control are not quite typically "loving", nor should they ever be assumed to be so. Even the most well-intentioned authorities can do great harm or become corrupt. I'm one of those who believe people should always question authority. Again, my last submissive partner also felt that way... her sexual submission definitely didn't make her more fond of being controlled in general. Dominance & submission in BDSM, as far as I'm concerned, are quite different from other forms of power and control: if nothing else (although there are countless other differences), the level of trust and love required is simply unattainable in everyday human relationships.

I also think it's nonsense to suggest eroticism is necessary for giving to others to be enjoyable. I don't have a "philanthropy fetish" for wanting to help others.

Finally, although I can find it arousing to imagine myself as the loli in BDSM and even rape porn, I absolutely don't enjoy embodying a sexually submissive role in real life (yes, I've tried), and have in fact moved further and further towards an exclusive Dom/Master role as I gained experience. This is primarily for aesthetic reasons, as my relationship to BDSM is a very deeply aesthetic one... I simply don't find male submission attractive on that level.

See my latest results on the test: hxxps://

Then again, I don't know more about Marston's thoughts on the topic than what I've read on that Wikipedia page, and I'm well aware of the platform's shortcomings.
Is the page representative? What exactly is it that you find interesting in what he has to say?

“All forms of imagination, regardless of how repugnant some may find them, are legal up to and until they present a real danger to self or others. The evidence suggests that those producing and consuming lolicon images pose no such danger. They have a nuanced understanding of the relationship between fiction and reality, and desire shōjo characters precisely because they are unreal.” ~ Patrick W. Galbraith, University of Tokyo
Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:07 pm Profile PM WWW
Plasma Angel
Posts: 21849

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Mainly, he had some very different ideas from his contemporaries. The film was good, even if he had a Hollywood makeover. I'm not enough of an expert to say if either is truly representative of his thinking. He wrote a lot of material.

A small gift for you

Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:33 am Profile PM
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