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Anyone know of a text-based loli game?

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Anyone know of a text-based loli game?
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Post Anyone know of a text-based loli game? Quote
I'm looking for adventure games like Zork, rpgs, point & click games like the old Shadowgate or Deja Vu on the NES (and other systems), stuff like Babysitting Cream, etc. I guess basically this would be called Adult Interactive Fiction (AIF), but I took a look at a couple of AIF sites and didn't see mention of any loli stuff.

Babysitting Cream - - Almost finished, you can get the latest version by registering (free) at hxxp:// - Play as Sonic the Hedgehog who is babysitting Cream the Rabbit. Lots of fun perverted stuff! Twisted Evil This is a little closer to a dating sim I guess, but since much of the artwork isn't finished, the text carries it.

I've been playing a bit of Flexible Infection/Survival (not sure which is which), although it has a lot of gender-bending/herm stuff that I'm not into. It's not loli, but it's a little interesting (more so if you like furry/gender-bending/herm stuff). I think it's a work in progress, there are some buggy parts, and a ton of spelling grammar errors (the monsters can be user-created, and just dropped in following a script.) There are a handful of locations, and a half-dozen or so NPCs, most of the encounters come from random monsters, several of which are herm. You start out as a male or female human, and if you are defeated or choose to submit the monsters rape you, and can alter you to start mutating into their species (fur, paws, dog faces, tails, etc, and/or can alter your genitals (increase or decrease size of breasts, cocks, balls, and vaginas, or even create a new one or make one go away.) You can start as a human male, and end up as a pregnant gryphon with two giant cocks and a bottomless vagina, 6 basketball-sized tits, and 8 spider-legs & abdomen!

Of course, when it comes to a loli text-based game, I'd prefer to play the guy that finds the loli(s), instead of BEING the loli, who gets raped by everyone. It could be more of an adventure or dating-sim style game instead of a RPG dealing with combat (with monsters OR lolis), but really anything like that with lolis would be good.

Tue May 24, 2011 6:06 pm Profile PM WWW
Angel of the Face
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So where do you get that game you describe?

Tue May 24, 2011 7:56 pm Profile PM
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A text-based sex adventure game with lots of options for what you want to play, one of which is a loli-type. One of the main combat options is to rape other things into submission so that sounds up your alley.


The aforementioned babysitting cream game. This is a hacked version but the only thing that is really different is that if you click on cream during the first scene (where you can be nice or tell her your going to have "fun" with her) you get maxed stats. For the normal game just don't click her then.

Just a warning, neither of these games are finished so they may feel incomplete or you mnay stumble into options that do nothing.

Tue May 24, 2011 10:45 pm Profile PM
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So where do you get that game you describe?
If you mean Flexible Survival:


I'd recommend against playing in the browser (at least with an old computer like mine) - I kept getting "A script is causing IE to run slowly, cancel running the script?" and a lot of times that would pop up while I was hitting keys, so the keys I hit would automatically hit "yes" (to stop running the script.) When that happened, I'd have to restart, and if I hadn't saved recently I'd be out of luck. Also, it seemed like my save files dissappeared by not playing for a day or two.

There is a multi-player version as well.


>You put the loli in your pack. She looks at you oddly, but scrunches around a bit to get comfortable.
>How do you want to use the loli?
>Are you sure you want to do that? The grue would probably eat the loli as an appetizer, and then come after you. Plus, it would be a waste of a perfectly good loli!
>After starting to feed the loli to the grue, you decide against such a cruel act, and gently put the relieved loli back in your pack.


Tue May 24, 2011 11:44 pm Profile PM WWW
Angel of the Face
Posts: 315

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@lancekalvaz: I tried the hacked version of the game, and nothing seems to happen. Do you have to click on her in any particular place, or does it just not show the increase?

Wed May 25, 2011 3:30 pm Profile PM
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@lancekalvaz: I tried the hacked version of the game, and nothing seems to happen. Do you have to click on her in any particular place, or does it just not show the increase?
That isn't the hacked version I'm familiar with (that is on The file name, lack of evidence of hacking, and the original music all point to that being the unhacked game, unless there is something I'm not aware of once you start playing.

From page 8 of the thread here on LAH, here is the link to the hacked version:

hacked version of 0.93

I hadn't played this in a while, new version is great. They have a great new anal scene that really caught me by surprise.

Here is the actual link to the original link on Inkbunny (probably the same thing as that notfourchan version), he had updated the submission from 91.1 to 91.2 to 91.3 (the current version), although I don't know if he will do that again the next time there is an update, as the submission thread is getting VERY long!
hxxps:// - REMINDER! You have to register at Inkbunny (for free) and set your profile to allow adult content to be able to get it from this link!


Thanks for the link to that xadera nimin game, I had quite a bit of fun with that, especially the little loli catgirl with an embarrassing "leakage" problem, who you can help!! Twisted Evil

BTW, after a bit of googling, it looks like that was either based on an older unfinished game, and/or is unfinished itself, and there is a newer game based on it (maybe with pictures??)

Wed May 25, 2011 6:21 pm Profile PM WWW
The Legendary Loli Hunter
Posts: 59

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[color=cyan]How did you manage to help her?

I have only seen the same message over and over without any chance to take any decisions regarding her.

Well, managed to help her in the end. You need to have a lust over 30 at least before she asks you. But i have only been able to fondle her and lick her. If i try to masturbate myself she runs away. And she does the same if i choose sex.

Is there something i´m missing, or are they not yet implemented?[

And is it possible to prevent the transformation you get?/color]

You have the right to remain unconscious, anything you say won´t be much!

Last edited by Anyien on Thu May 26, 2011 2:35 am; edited 2 times in total
Wed May 25, 2011 9:36 pm Profile PM Skype
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For the loli catgirl, you have to be leaking heavily (libido?) - precum for males, pussy juice for females. Herms work with either.
Bad ends (she usually comes back):
- Have sex on the first screen
- masturbate her, show her how on yourself (when you have a male organ)
- Use a diaper on her

Some options lock her into a second screen, where the only choic is grope her again and get help. I think they are use drying sand, masturbate her (grope her), and MAYBE lick her clean without getting intimate.

I think that if you get help right away on the first screen, it may restart the whole thing if you see her again.

The good path (as I know it) is to lick her, get intimate and choose yes if there is another option (I think that is the second screen though.) Then when you encounter her again, you can lick her (a different spot), or get help, which opens a different dialogue. However, after either choice, it restarts at the beginning.

Someone said on a swfchan or notfourchan thread (I googled 'Xadera Nimin Lila') that if you had penis sex with the giant pussy catwoman, she'd give you a concentrated pussy juice vial. I'm not sure if that is different from the one she gives you if you do the option for 3 pussy fruit at once. Then you can supposedly use that vial on Lila to have sex with her, and use Cat's Meow to increase her milk production. However, I haven't seen any options to do either, so I don't know if the guy was just blowing smoke up everyone's ass, or what.

Maybe you have to keep helping Lila a large number of times or something, and I just haven't hit the magic number, I don't know! Once you get Lila's Gift, it increases precum and pussy juice production, and it is actually possible to fill your inventory with them! Hmm, maybe THAT is the prerequisite! Laughing I've been close, I've never actually had EVERY SINGLE SLOT filled with Lila's Gift.

Either the stuff I said above about licking twice, or licking once and getting help is as far as you can go, or I'm missing something. It seems like it would be a progression some how (masturbate yourself to show her how, masturbate her a few times, get help, lick her (maybe a clean only option before the intimate option, maybe get help again, lick her breasts, then sex is opened up, or she returns the favor and goes down on you or something.

Frankly, I'd kind of like to be in the room when you take her to get help, instead of waiting outside for her mom to finish (either for the pussy juice leaking, or the milking...)

Thu May 26, 2011 2:34 am Profile PM WWW
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How did you manage to help her?

I have only seen the same message over and over without any chance to take any decisions regarding her.

Well, managed to help her in the end. You need to have a lust over 30 at least before she asks you. But i have only been able to fondle her and lick her. If i try to masturbate myself she runs away. And she does the same if i choose sex.

Is there something i´m missing, or are they not yet implemented?

And is it possible to prevent the transformation you get?

Looking at a flash info page for it at swfchan (showing the whole script, etc.), it looks like there ARE other options, including getting/giving a bath while her mother is there, having m/f or f/f sex with her, fucking her with your giant clit, getting her pregnant (results of sex, not a choice), giving her Cat's Meow to increase her milk production, or Pussy Juice to increase her pussy size.

As far as the transformation (do you mean from Lila, or anyone?) each race has an item that increases that race's attributes and removes influences of other races (Human Balm, Sweet Sap for Felins, Bul Juice for Equins, and something or other for the wolves. I'm not sure if the kinky carrots work this way or not.

Of course, if say, you are a human with a knotted wolf cock or something, and an encounter with Lila changes that to a cat's barbed shaft, you may be screwed. Saving before encountering her might help, possibly it would change another attribute. Also saving before using Human Balm (or whatever) might lead to reversing the attribute you don't want, instead of the one you want to keep. Obviously, I mean saving, trying the encounter or item, and reloading if it didn't go the way you want.

OK, according to what I was able to figure out from looking at the script for the game, the ONLY way to advance your relationship withi Lila is to either masturbate on yourself when you meet her (no cocks or large vaginas), or lick her intimately. I haven't tested this much in the game yet.

Reset choices - Diaper, masturbate on yourself with a cock or big vagina, choose not to masturbate with her, lick her clean (but not intimately), or have sex. These choices will reset the encounter and she won't remember you the next time, although there will be a line of dialogue that you remember her.

LOCKED IN CHOICES! - Using the sand, masturbating her, or getting help. These choices will lead to a second screen where you can repeat those actions, but it doesn't increase the LilaRep score (bugged or intentional?), so all you will see is this same screen whenever you encounter her.

Masturbating on yourself (no cocks or large vaginas), or licking her intimately should lead to the next screen, where she's got a different problem (breast milk). There, you can either lick her and tell her to keep making milk, or go to her mother's house and tell her to keep making milk. The other choices will lock you into the bath scene all of the following times you see her. If you want to see the bath scene, save before you get to this point.

I don't know if there is a chance of other earlier Lila encounters (maybe the original choices,) but eventually you should come to a point when you have a screen with the options Milk, Suckle, Lick, Sex, Give Cat's Meow, Give Pussy Juice, Visit Mom. Of course, once you can have sex with her there's a chance to get her pregnant, if your cock fits. After enough time, that will lead to a scene where you give birth.


Other loli content in the game:
If you have sex with Mallon (the Human cow-girl) enough times, she'll get pregnant and then give birth, and the child grows and becomes a loli quickly instead of remaining an infant. Then when you get the Milk or Sex screen, the child will join you as an observer and light participant, trying to get a milk snack every now and then. She diddles herself, and if there is more than one, they go down on each other while you're having sex with Mallon.

Rabbit children - I read part of the description that said they were trying to hump everything, while you and the daycare worker tried and failed to stop them, but I don't know if it got more explicit than that.

Sorry for the multiple posts!

ATTENTION!! I've discovered that
posted above is NOT the most current version! Although, I do appreciate the link, as it introduced me to this game.

According to this blog from a guy who made his own game kind of based on Xadera Nimin,
the most recent link is posted on his blog in the side bar (or you can visit Xadera's home page: hxxp:// - gotta be a member to get the game, I guess.)

I have been playing the updated game from fenoxo's Mediafire link, and it is definitely a newer version: There is a visible Lust stat, alchemy isn't broken now (you can't make a black dye and still have the 5 wolf furs in your inventory), and most importantly, YOU CAN HAVE SEX WITH LILA!!! She's already borne my kits, I've had m/f sex with her, and squishy f/f sex, as well as giving her the Cat's Meow and Pussy Juice, and doing all of the other advanced options!

Thu May 26, 2011 4:06 pm Profile PM WWW
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Ah, guess I need to update my fav's. I remember bookmarking the babysitting cream game so I'm actually glad I tagged the real one and not the hack. Glad to see some sharing on these text-based treasures!

Fri May 27, 2011 2:20 pm Profile PM
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